Frequently Asked Questions

I am recently certified, do I have to respond to this? 

Yes. All CERT-certified firms must complete this periodic review to ensure database integrity. If nothing has changed for your firm, all you need to do is respond to the request in B2Gnow noting “No Updates to Report.” 

How long do I have to respond to the request? 

The initial ask is 2 weeks for at least an acknowledgement. If more time is needed, up to 30 days to respond to the request. 

What happens if I do not respond to the request by the deadline noted in my letter?

Failure to respond to the request will result in your firm’s certification being terminated.

I responded to the request and received a letter of termination. Why?

If you do not respond to all questions and requests in the letter and fail to respond after additional requests are sent, your firm’s certification may be terminated.

I did not apply to be an ESBE. Why am I now seeing that designation on my profile?

Through the database clean-up process we are assessing firms to see if they are eligible for an ESBE certification. This is a designation made without the need for an application.

Can I just e-mail you the information? I do not like going through B2Gnow. 

The CERT Program is currently making a number of updates to its processes. One of these is that we are moving all communication with certified firms into B2Gnow. We are still happy to take phone calls if you have questions, but will look to maintain communication in the system so that it allows for increased transparency with your business as well as organizing communication in one place.

I received the initial e-mail blast to all businesses, but never received a B2Gnow message. 

First, please check your e-mail spam folder to see if the message went there. If it is not there, then review the estimated timeline noted in the initial letter for when your business may receive the letter. If that time has passed, please feel free to send a message to the team through B2Gnow for an update. You may also call the team at (651) 288-4040.

I am used to seeing requests come from the City of Saint Paul. Who will this request be coming from for the clean up? 

Strong & Starlike Consulting, Inc. is working with the CERT Collaborative on this effort. As a result, the initial e-mail request will come from them. 

Why should I update my business description?

The business description field is key to how your business is found through key word searches in the CERT database when contract opportunities arise and people are searching for businesses. We encourage businesses during this database clean up to take another look at their descriptions to determine if it is accurately reflecting their services as well as formatted in a way that may improve your ability to be found for the services you offer.